During several class periods the students have finally decided on a garden name: The EDGE Garden. E.D.G.E stands for the Exceptionally Designed Garden Experiment. They learned about gardening, looked up the frost-free season start date for southwest Ohio, chose plants based on how long it took them to produce fruit, and decided they wanted to include flowers to encourage pollinator visits.
Jacob used his computer skills to lay out a planting plan so the flowering plants would maximize pollinator visits. Then he supervised the outdoor portion when the container garden was transplanted into our current raised bed in the Fairmont Unity Garden.
Daily visits to check progress, break up soil, weed, and water have paid off, and the EDGE garden looks great. The tomato plants are flowering, the strawberry plants are flowering AND producing fruit. The snow peas are vining and will need supports soon. The flowers continue to bloom as we remove the dead heads and make room for new growth.
Nice Work